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  • 当事人的近亲属被中国司法机关采取刑事强制措施,需要聘请中国律师会见、提供法律咨询,申请取保候审。

  • 当事人被中国司法机关查封、冻结、扣押财产,需要提出异议和申辩。

  • 当事人或当事人的近亲属被中国人民检察院起诉,需要聘请中国律师担任辩护人,提供法律帮助。

  • 聘请中国律师担任当事人或当事人的近亲属的辩护人参加人民法院开庭审理。




We assist clients worldwide in hiring lawyers and legal advisers across China and providing legal services with lawyers to deal with our clients' criminal matters. It mainly includes the following issues:

  • Suppose a close relative of our client is subjected to criminal coercive measures by Chinese judicial organs. In that case, it is necessary to hire a Chinese lawyer to meet and provide legal advice and apply for bail pending trial.

  • In case the legal property of our client is sealed, frozen, or distrained by Chinese judicial organs, and need to raise objections and defend.

  • Suppose our client is concerned, or the People's Procuratorate of China prosecutes his close relative. In that case, it is necessary to hire a Chinese lawyer to act as a defender and provide legal assistance.

  • Hire a Chinese lawyer to act as the defender for the party concerned or his relative to attend the trial.


We have earned rich cross-regional, cross-border legal service experiences and maintain close cooperation with law firms all over China, with abundant resources of professional legal experts. Meanwhile, we also help customers to negotiate with, hire lawyers and sign legal documents and a power of attorney. We help customers understand the status of the Chinese legal service market and attain professional criminal legal services at a reasonable price to protect clients' interests fully.

Criminal Affairs

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